Monday 25 November 2013

OUGD504. Design Production. Design for Web. Web Session/Task 3 - Getting Started.

today we had the 3rd session with phil and lorraine on web design and looking at navigation in site design.

navigation refers to the site interface and how it enables and directs the users movement from the different pages and links of the site. basically how the user gets from a to b. 

we talked for a bit about what navigation means and then went on to do the first task regarding navigation. 

what are common conventions of web navigation?

in our group we thought about the main common forms of navigation that exist.

what are uncommon conventions in navigation

having made the two lists we had a class discussion about our findings and opinions on whether or not they were common or uncommon. some good points were made that with changing trends and technological improvements things that were once common may now be uncommon and vice versa.

after the task we talked about how designers begin to think about usability and navigation and map it out in a flow chart. we were asked to draw out a basic flow chart for how we thought our site could be navigated through.

having done that we went onto task two which involved the 5 printed websites we were asked to bring in. we were asked to employ the grid system to each web design to better understand layout and composition within site design.

Do they reveal any aspects of the interface design that are particularly good or bad. Look closely at navigation & indicators although other design aspects should also be discussed (Functional? Usable? Aesthetics vs functionality vs usability, etc.)

the grid system involved in this layout helps the navigation because it sectors different aspects of the interactive tools. the colour wheel is centralised with combinations below to make all colour aspects meet. the menu is top left on level with the wheel and boxes. aesthetically it works because splits are clear and the space is not over crowded.

the grid is very apparent in this layout because all features are ordered in a grid along with the menus and logo. because each image holds a link to a separate article it is appropriate that each one is clearly separated for the user - right to left mirrors the cronology of posts. i think it is aesthetically simple and minimal which appeals to the audience and its useablilty.

this grid is very simpe and not really apparent. its navigation is clear and ordered along wiht the logo and description. it makes sense in its minimalism because nothing tyakes away from the background and vice versa. aesthetically it looks brilliant . the font ls nice and the white contrasts well with the orange and red. 

the grid system for this layout is also quite simple. mainly because the image is central to the site page. the navigation is all placed above the image which, apart from each individual link and dropdown menu, is one equally sized box above the image. 

this layout is similar to the serial killers page in that images that are links are organised in a grid layout. some boxes are purely text though which adds a nice break from just images. some are also blank for a further break. the navigation and use is simple enough and it looks pleasing and organised. 

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